A CNAME is used for resolving a domain to other another domain - as an alias. CNAME records are often used to point to a host or to point the "www" version of the domain to the naked domain. For example, this will make www.mycoolnewbusiness.com load to the same webpage as the root domain, mycoolnewbusiness.com.
You can use your own subdomain to create links, instead of using the pixelfy.me domain.
With your own subdomain, you can brand and personalize your links.
How to use custom branded subdomains
IMPORTANT: This information is variable depending on your domain registrar. If you have further concerns, please contact your domain registrar for instructions on how to add a CNAME record correctly.
1.- Log in to your domain registrar (this is where you purchased your domain like godaddy.com, hotgator.com, or domains.com), and look for the option to add a CNAME record with a subdomain of your choice and forward it to domains.pixelfy.me.
The most common information requested is as follows
Name or host: Usually is simply "www". It's the hostname or prefix the CNAME record will be set to. You can include a period (.) but not as the first or last character. Consecutive periods (...) are not allowed, and the host cannot exceed 63 characters or be the @ symbol. You can't use a host that's already assigned to an existing A record, TXT record, or MX record.
Value or points to: The URL you are setting as the destination for the host. Type @ to point directly to your root domain name. This is where you need to enter "domains.pixelfy.me"
TTL: How long the server should cache information. We recommend leaving it as 1 hour.
Warning: Please be careful not to configure a subdomain that is important for the operation of your site (for example www, webmail, etc.)
Once your domain changes have propagated (which can vary depending on your domain registrar) you will be able to add your domain or subdomain in this form.
It's your turn to try adding your own personalized touch to your URLS